Our high-tech age demands high-tech stress relief. Other methods are unnatural, time-consuming, and unreliable. NuCalm‘s patented, clinically-proven solution relaxes you without drugs, without delay, without fail. It’s stress relief for the way we live today – technology to help you disconnect. NuCalm is an all-natural, 3-part system which is administered in seconds, takes effect in minutes, and the benefits last for hours.
Step 1
Place the NuCalm Disc on the inside of your left wrist on the Pericardium 6 acupressure point. The Disc sends signals to activate your brain’s natural relaxation system by interrupting your adrenaline response.
Step 2
NuCalm’s propietary NuCalm neuroacoustic software delivers specific frequencies to slow brain wave function to levels required for optimal relaxation and recovery.
Step 3
Connect your headphones or earbuds.
Start your NuCalm session in the NuCalm app.
Pull down your NuCalm eye mask.
Sit back, relax, and enjoy your NuCalm journey!